A dogs purpose drowning
A dogs purpose drowning



As Molly, he learns how to sniff out cancer.Bailey does this as Buddy to help Ethan recognize that he's the same dog inside.

a dogs purpose drowning

  • Ethan develops a trick with Bailey where he tosses the flip in the air and crouches on the ground, and Bailey jumps off his back to catch it in the air.
  • In addition to the examples that originally appeared in the book, in his film-specific life as Tino between Ellie and Buddy, he sees how his owner is sad when she is alone but becomes much happier once she finds someone, and so he uses this knowledge to help guide Ethan and Hannah back together as Buddy.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Maya and Tino end up encountering Al, the classmate who had asked Maya if she wanted to join his study group, at the dog park with his own dog, which eventually leads to Maya and Al getting married and having a family.
  • CJ doesn't yet recognize them as the same dog, but the gesture tips her off to the fact that Trent is sick.
  • Max sits down and crosses his paws upon sniffing out cancer in Trent, just like Molly did.
  • When Hannah sees him do it as Buddy, she comments, "Didn't Bailey used to do that?", and between the trick where he jumps off Ethan's back, his tail-catching trick, and his reaction to the phrase "boss dog", it helps Ethan recognize who he is.
  • Spinning around and catching his tail in his mouth.

    Ellie saving a girl from a child Serial Killer is changed to Ellie saving a girl from her abusive father. For example, sexual references are deleted and the Running Gag of the protagonist being neutered is changed to a Running Gag involving injections. Bowdlerise: Some aspects were watered down because the film is more kid-friendly than the book.The final scene is of them being reunited in heaven (if you've read the Rainbow Bridge poem, it plays out exactly as described), implying that he won't be coming back anymore. His Max incarnation dies soon after Ethan does.His Big Dog incarnation gets this too, as he fully acknowledges that his owner Joe is good to him and that he loves him, but it's not the same without CJ, especially after she passes by the gas station where he lives.As Ellie the police dog, he saves a drowning girl, then saves his handler's life, but is shot in the process.Bittersweet Ending: In the film, two of Bailey's incarnations get this:.During the montage that concludes the second film, CJ has her baby.Birth/Death Juxtaposition: Every time an incarnation of Bailey dies, the screen fades out and then immediately fades back in to his next one.


  • Big Friendly Dog: Big Dog the mastiff, from the movie A Dog's Journey, is a literal big friendly dog.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: Not outright abuse, but every bad character in both films dislikes the incarnation of Bailey that is present.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Gloria's already been working on getting her act together, but the birth of CJ's baby appears to put the finishing touches on it.
  • CJ has her baby during the montage that concludes the second film.
  • Gloria is one too, though she gets her act together by the film's conclusion.
  • a dogs purpose drowning

    The Alcoholic: Ethan's father slowly but surely becomes one.Age Cut: Young CJ sits down to play the guitar.This was definitely the worst shot I ever got." He mentions this a few times throughout the film, presumably because he was euthanized as a puppy in his first life as a stray.Adaptation Expansion: The film covers Bailey's lives mostly as they appear in the book, but it adds a completely new life between his lives as Ellie and Buddy: Tino the Corgi, owned by a lonely student named Maya.His last life as Toby the second is also completely absent. This event is simply changed to the car accident which kills Molly. In the second book, CJ spends some time being homeless in California after running away from Gloria.In the book, Bailey and Ethan live together for many years until Ethan passes away. The film ends perhaps a year or two at most after Bailey has reunited with Ethan as a different dog.The Yard was shut down due to too many dogs in what they considered inhumane conditions, and he was put to sleep.

    a dogs purpose drowning

    There was some detail about his life there, and he learned how to open gates, which would help him in his later lives. The film version just shows him playing with his littermates as a stray and then being put in an animal control van before fading out, while in the book his first life lasted a whole 54 pages: he was a stray, found by humans, and raised in a place he called "the Yard" with dozens of other dogs, and named "Toby".

    a dogs purpose drowning

    In the film, his first life is particularly short.Max is a Chihuahua-Yorkie mix in the book, but he's a straight-up Yorkie in the movie. Molly in the book A Dog's Journey is a poodle mix.Buddy in the book A Dog's Purpose is a Labrador Retriever.

    A dogs purpose drowning